How to create a SUCCESSFUL INSTAGRAM account in 2021

Dec 25, 2020


Just starting as a beginner on Instagram and wondering how you can create a successful Instagram account from scratch and grow fast? Or have you been on Instagram for a while but your Instagram growth has been stalling and you want to learn how to fully optimize your Instagram account and content?

If you answered yes to either of the above mentioned questions keep on reading...

1. Think about the "BIG PICTURE"

What do you want out of your Instagram in long run? Think 2-5 years from now and imagine how is Instagram a part of your every day life and / or career! 

If you want to monetize your Instagram it is important to start treating your Instagram as a business from the get go. How would you create and grow your Instagram? Business means making money, that is why it is important to start figuring out how to make money from Instagram from the beginning as you are creating your successful Instagram account.

Want to learn more how to make money on Instagram? Check out below blog post:


What is your Instagram (= business) about?

This is where you have to niche down and be very specific about your niche. Think about this: if you had a business you wouldn't be selling everything you could, would you? It would be targeted to a specific industry and specific products or services. The same thing applies to Instagram, if you want to grow your brand or business using Instagram, you have to pick a specific niche and build your brand and business around it.

Learn more about picking your niche and optimizing your Instagram account and content by downloading my FREE INSTAGRAM SEO GUIDE

Consistency is the key 

The way to grow your business is being consistent with it. Same thing definitely applies to growing your Instagram following, you have to be consistent with it, because building a business like growing an Instagram following takes time. Consistency doesn't only mean posting consistently it also means posting content that is in your niche, because that is how you can gain genuine Instagram followers that are interested in your niche.

To learn more about how to grow to over 20,000 Instagram followers in only 1 year download FREE ULTIMATE INSTAGRAM GUIDE


Next step after figuring out your specific niche is to plan, schedule and automate your Instagram content. This is really important if you want to create a successful Instagram account in 2021. 

Planning your topics beforehand instead of coming up with ideas last minute will save you time going forward and creating a comprehensive story and strategy will help you to optimize your Instagram content and grow on Instagram faster.

Instead of posting random content at the last minute create a strategy and analyze if your strategy works in growing your Instagram following. The fundamental of your Instagram strategy is telling a story to your followers.

Learn more how to plan, schedule and automate your Instagram content in my YouTube video that I will publish on December 27, 2020, so remember to subscribe to my YOUTUBE CHANNEL and turn on the notifications so you will be notified when the video is published!


Video marketing is a powerful tool in growing your social media, brand and business. The reason is that we people are pretty lazy these days to read captions and text, because there is so much information out there, so we rather watch videos.

Make sure you leverage more videos in your social media and especially in your Instagram content in a form of reels, stories, IGTV and Live stream.

If you want to learn how to use Instagram reels in growing your Instagram account check out the below YouTube video:

and blog post:



Once you have optimized your Instagram account and planned, scheduled and automated your Instagram content make sure that you don't put all your eggs in one basket. Try and grow on other social media platforms like YouTube, Tik Tok, Facebook, Pinterest and create a blog to grow your audience.

Good thing about growing your online presence on other social media platforms is that if Instagram is going to disappear tomorrow you will still have your audience on other social media platforms and you wouldn't have to start from the zero. The other benefit is that since it is so difficult to grow on Instagram you might want to grow on other social media platforms and drive traffic from them to your Instagram. So it is a win-win situation!

For content creators, influencers and bloggers

I talk more about how to boost your Instagram growing if you are a content creator, influencer, blogger in fashion/travel/beauty niche and want to work with brands in my below video:

Make sure you check out top Instagram mistakes to stop doing and why you are not growing in my below blog post:


And for more Instagram hacks - go to my YouTube Channel InstaMediaGuru where I share a lot of beneficial information what comes to entrepreneurship, social media strategies and most of all Instagram.

Come and say hello on my social media and Follow me for more Social Media Tips & Tricks:

INSTAGRAM @InstaMediaGuru

PINTEREST @InstaMediaGuru

FACEBOOK @InstaMediaGuru




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